A pic is a 1000 words right?
-Elmina/Cape Coast Trip:
"It's coming" So our guide Yao at Kakum apparently has an amazing ear.....we were hiking back from our AMAZING ADVENTURE in the canopy walk (can't believe I did it!! I only made it cuz i didn't look down and I sang the whole way..."Shigome Shigome....BARACK OBAMA") when all of a sudden he says real quiet, "It's coming." Sounded like some Jumanji scarymovie type shit. And then a minute later comes a downpour of rain....we made a run for the bus. But it felt nice. Esh felt like screaming "It's cominnnnnggg!!!" for the whole run back, lol.
"I want to stay here and ask her to marry me"- one of the guides to Christa....we knew she had come prepared for our trip (stacked with a mile high of condoms)so we left Christa to her buisness...lol sike....I wish someone would've taken that mic away from her though....oh what else? playing hand games (Batman and Robin) and push-each-other-over games while waiting in line.
"Me and Kelsey ignite the bedroom"- Emma. No explanation required.
Had a really nice massage from some healer/massage therapists who happen to be from Jazz's hood, South Jersey. They were cool people....but my neck is kind of hurting this week...hmm/
On the FIVE hour bus trip back from Cape Coast, there were exciting events such as 1) stopping at Shell gas station 2) Marta peeing on the side of the road 3) Sonali buying grasscutter (a fancy term for rat).
Drumming with Godwin has been alot of fun!! Faye and I go every week, hopefully we will have something to share by the end of the semester. Classes are in full swing, I'm working on my two community service projects with the Foundation of Contermporary Art and SENDRAC, and doing alot of reading.
-Thursday night: Me and T went out to Towala beach with some Crescent people...really chill, fun time....the rastas LOVE Tanesha....with their raspy ass Bob Marley songs, lol "One love, one heart....let's get together and feel alright"
Met up with Kareem later at Celsbridge and his FRIEND who is moving to NY to be at NYU!! How cool, so we gave him advice and then dropped him off at the airport. And then....stopped by Afrodisiac and then....partied it up in the car despite the popo. LOL. GOOD GOOD tiess.
-Friday night: Went out with my girls to celebrate Vday....all single ladies, or at least there were no 'boyfriends' around to shower us with attention. But we had a good time at Rhapsody's at Accra mall, ran into NYU alumni (they running things!! One is a DJ for the Ghanaian urban radio station) who hooked us up in VIP....then we went to Tipzzy tipsy and danced our butts off. Very fun. Thanks Kobe for the good time.
-Saturday, Val's day: Convinced T to take a trek wit me to Tema, an hour and half tro tro experience but we met up with Marcia!! And her mom and she made jollof rice and other goodness and we talked about America/African economics, watched a Ghanaian movie called Princess Tyra. LOL. Ghanaian actors=ridiculousness. But it was fun, we got back around 7 and then watched Coming to America with the crew....then Esh and I went out with Kareem to The Office. Robocop/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Dude was really trying to holla so we left....got Eppo's chicken (where I did NOT embarass myself unlike last time), then I chilled and ate with Justice in the security office.
-Sunday: Went to Crescent for a cooking class with Debby!!! What fun...we made kelewele and waakye and mango smoothie....and ate some of Chris' cabbage stew and yam. Cooking in big groups is great. Talking about the roaches in the boys' house, not so much.
All in all, a great weekend.
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