"My sista" what I am called when the Ghanians sell to me in Osu. Guess the braids make the difference. One dude got mad and thought Tanesha had called him "black and ugly"....which she didnt (DUH) and ended up going on a tirade about how ppl wit dreads should understand that we are all one.....preaching to the choir.
Also went to 'Papayes'...POPEYES. Chicken and fries. Ain't nothin better. lol.
Soooo this week has been SHOPPING heavy, I've gotten an OBAMA bag, kente bag, ordered for a patchwork bookbag, fabric for a dress and skirt, a namebracelet, not to mention the VA and food at the grocery store. Mangos are ON POINT. :)
What else.....ok so OBAMA!!!! BARACK BARACK....BARACK OBAMA! I wish I could put some audio on here for all the songs they have out here, that one's all over the radio. Yesterday was sweeeet, it was so cool bringing the inaugaration in in AFRICA with the first black president.....so much international buzz. Met some cool other American students from A&T and San Fran State....I should see them tonight at the Labadi Beach Party. Did I mention that I am in school this semester? LOL.
To celebrate Barack, the ladies and I got "GOOD" as Aisha calls it, lol. We decided to play ping pong....Jasmyn by a piece of furniture while tipsy, NOT a good idea....pics to come. We had so much fun yesterday, between that and watching SISTER ACT II!!!!! Throwback, best movie of ALLL TIME, it is official. Official. Not to mention we all knew every line (Jazz knew all the steps too, lol).
"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth........Come to me and I'lllll set you free!!!!!!" YES
finally, classes!!!
History of the Atlantic Slave Trade with Dr. Perbi, "Cool runners" looks like this will be a very emotional experience. She provides that maternal sense that makes me feel comfortable enough to feel vulnerable in this class, and we will be going deep. Can't wait.
Dance and Music at Ashesi University- THIS CLASS IS BOMB. 8 am yes but so worth it.....the teacher today said that women in Kaneshie walk like "ice cream" and made a girl demonstrate.....I guess sexual harassment is different here lol.......nah it was just appreciation. I met a guy named David who told me I need to eat some fufu pronto. So excited for the dancing!!
"You see the music and you hear the dance"
Finally....Pan-Africanism with Michael Williams...a round-the-way DC guy who moved to Ghana. This class is dope. He is a wise one, reallly really smart....looking out for us youngbulls, lol. Today he warned us against stopping the malaria medication, "if you don't take it, malaria will take you away." Then switches the subject likes its nothing. so Imma stay high like planes on Larium.
Oyiwalladong - "Thank you" in Ga, the lady who sold me mangos said I must learn it
O chale - slang for "you stupid ass" in Twi
The snap handshake-- Ghanaian dap
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